How much weight do you have to lose in total?
Under 20 pounds
20 - 40 pounds
Over 40 pounds
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
What do you struggle with when it comes to food?
I'm an all or nothing eater - if I mess up one meal, I'll be off track for the rest of the day
I get overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out what to lose weight because there's so much conflicting information online
I tend to grab whatever is the most convenient option - and it's usually unhealthy
I eat when I'm stressed / overwhelmed / sad
I feel guilty if I eat the wrong thing or if I get off track
Every time I go out to eat, I feel like I'm taking 2 steps backwards
Describe everything you have tried in the past to lose weight - low carb, intuitive eating, tracking macros etc.
Short / Low Effort Answers Will Be Cancelled ^
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